I'm really new to Grav CMS and I'm trying to figure out the best way to do a post request to an external webapi to pass form data.
Normally I will have PHP Code that gets executed after a form submission and will do a post request to the webapi, reading a question here https://getgrav.org/forum#!/getgrav/general:adding-php-code-in-grav says that should separate all the custom php logic using plugins.
Should I use plugins to do my form post request to the external webapi?
I just want to make sure I'm going in the right direction with plugins.
You can build a plugin for that. Here is a quick sample code, you post your form to the sample page, which is yoursite.com/my-form-route
in this example
namespace Grav\Plugin;
use \Grav\Common\Plugin;
class MyAPIPlugin extends Plugin
public static function getSubscribedEvents()
return [
'onPluginsInitialized' => ['onPluginsInitialized', 0]
public function onPluginsInitialized()
if ($this->isAdmin())
'onPageInitialized' => ['onPageInitialized', 0],
public function onPageInitialized()
// This route should be set in the plugin's setting instead of hard-code here.
$myFormRoute = 'my-form-route';
$page = $this->grav['page'];
$currentPageRoute = $page->route();
// This is not the page containing my form. Skip and render the page as normal.
if ($myFormRoute != $currentPageRoute)
// This is page containing my form, check if there is submitted data in $_POST and send it to external API.
if (!isset($_POST['my_form']))
// Send $_POST['my_form'] to external API here.