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Change a function into CPS, to not use call/cc

I would like to understand how to implement coroutines without call/cc.

I began with this little example to understand how to modify a code so that I can use it without call/cc:

(define x 0)

( + 2 (call-with-current-continuation
  (lambda (cont)
    (set! x cont)

(x 4)

When I execute the function with the call/cc it gives me 5, then 6 when I execute (x 4).

I use this function to replace the call/cc :

(define (call/cc-cps f continuation)
   (f continuation continuation))

I tried to change this function into CPS (continuation-passing style):

  (lambda (exit cont)
   (set! x cont)
(lambda (value)
  (+ value 2)))

But when I execute it, instead of having 5 I get 3. But I do get 6 with (x 4).

Can you tell me what is wrong ? thank you


  • With CPS you don't have top level continuations prompts so for a comparison you need to put you code in an empty let like this:

    (let ()
      (define x 0)
      (+ 2 (call-with-current-continuation
             (lambda (cont)
               (set! x cont)
               3))) ; ==> 5
      (x 4))
      ; ==> 6
      ; ==> 6
      ; ==> 6
      ; ... forever 

    This becomes an infinite loop since you call (x 4) after the summing every time.

    ;; CPS-version of +
    (define (+& a b continuation)
      (continuation (+ a b)))

    Notice the &. It's used to indicate that the function takes one extra argument, the continuation. In CPS you define call/cc like this:

    (define (call/cc& f& continuation)
      (define (exit& value actual-continuation)
        (continuation value))
      (f& exit& continuation))

    Notice it's quite different from your version. It passes the exit function to f& and instead of using the passed actual-continuation that would do all the remaining computation it passes it to the continuation of call/cc& instead.

    Now we can rewrite your program into this:

    ((lambda (x& halt-continuation) 
      (call/cc& (lambda (cont continuation)
                  ((lambda (ingnored-undefined-value) (continuation 3))
                   (set! x& cont)))
                (lambda (three)
                  (+& 2 three (lambda (ignored-result)
                          (x& 4 halt-continuation))))))
     0 values)

    ignored-result is 5 the first time and the infinite other times it calculates it with 4 ignored-result is 6, just like in the non CPS version with let.

    I use DrRacket which has a pretty darn good debugger and you can step and see exactly what is happening. I added a break point at the +& call and pressed |> and saw the variable three fist be 3 then 4 infinite times.

    CPS isn't easy. call/cc gives us the benefits of CPS without making the code much harder to read. Implementing coroutines without call/cc would be challenging for me to write as I though it was quite complex to do it with call/cc to begin with, especially since you have a infinite loop if you are not very careful.