I am new to Redux and setting up an app with Campaign / Products / Users along with Posts from the MERN v2.0 boilerplate.
I have setup my app to have a fetchPosts action. My page has the following (code from bottom half)
// Actions required to provide data for this component to render in sever side.
PostListPage.need = [() => {
return fetchPosts();
// Retrieve data from store as props
function mapStateToProps(state) {
return {
posts: getPosts(state)
PostListPage.contextTypes = {
router: React.PropTypes.object,
export default connect(mapStateToProps)(PostListPage);
Get Posts passes the state and should add posts object to the store. I can hit the API route and see that the back-end is working and loading the JSON object as expected.
However, my app is giving me an error within the PostReducer --
// Get all posts
export const getPosts = state => state.posts.data;
The error is when I go to the route --
TypeError: Cannot read property 'data' of undefined
at getPosts (/Users/yasirhossain/Projects/showintel/client/modules/Post/PostReducer.js:31:34)
at mapStateToProps (/Users/yasirhossain/Projects/showintel/client/modules/Post/pages/PostListPage/PostListPage.js:48:12)
at Connect.configureFinalMapState (/Users/yasirhossain/Projects/showintel/node_modules/react-redux/lib/components/connect.js:155:27)
Any help is appreciated!
In the combineReducer file, I forgot to add PostReducer as alluded to by free_soul in the comments.
export default combineReducers({
Importing PostReducer and adding it, did the trick!