In the GraphDB documentation, I see that "the dataset’s default graph contains the merge of the database’s default graph AND all the database named graphs." This means that "if a statement ex:x ex:y ex:z
exists in the database in the graph ex:g
" then a query such as SELECT * { ?s ?p ?o }
will return the triple ex:x ex:y ex:z
I am wondering if there is a setting which can be triggered either via the web interface or via the RDF4J/OpenRDF API which will disable this behavior in a specified GraphDB repository. That is, for the purposes of my project I would prefer to have triples which are stored in named graphs to only appear in results which specifically query that named graph.
I have not seen anything like this searching through the documentation or on the settings available on the web interface, but maybe somebody here knows something I don't.
EDIT: I am not looking for a SPARQL solution to this problem. I know that I can query just the default graph using SPARQL, but I want to be able to use the query SELECT * { ?s ?p ?o }
and only see results which are in the default graph by default.
GraphDB/RDF4J have a different interpretation than Jena how to query the default graph. The only easy way to query only explicit statements in the default graph is to use the special graph sesame:nil
. The SPARQL-based solution is to write:
PREFIX sesame: <>
SELECT ?s ?p ?o
FROM sesame:nil
?s ?p ?o .
} LIMIT 100
I don't think there is any easy non-SPARQL based solution like changing a configuration option or even use this special graph over the SPARQL Graph Store protocol.