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Dynamic title not displaying in POWERBI

I am new to PowerBI.

I was trying to create a dynamic title for my POWERBI project. I went through some videos. All videos asks me to create measure. I did as the video suggested and the code that I put in was:

   Measure = IF(ISCROSSFILTERED('Dash_ER'[County]),"Visted county -" &  FIRSTNONBLANK('Dash_ER'[County],TRUE()), "ER Utilization")

I have a Tree map with different counties. When I click on one of the county I want the title to change to - Visited county - 'county name selected' and if none selected I want to print 'ER Utilization' as my title.

I did this but nothing seems to happen. When I drag and drop the measure into the white area it just displays measure. When I click on ...(three dots) on top the box and clicked on see data. There it display the value that I want.


  • When you drag the measure into the white area, Power BI probably defaults to some kind of chart (clustered column chart for me).


    What you need to do is change this to a card by simply clicking on the card visualization while the original visualization is selected. You can then turn off the Category Label of the card if you would like.


    The text of the card will update when you select different items from your tree map.


    For more information, check out this post by Ryan Wade.