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Celery Exception Handling

Suppose i have this task definition:

def some_other_foo(input)
raise Exception('This is not handled!')
return input

def some_foo(self, someInput={}):
     response = some_other_foo(someInput)
   except Exception as exc:
     self.retry(countdown=5, exc=exc)
 return response

I have a problem that exception is not handled in some_foo, I get error instead of response="error", task is crashed and i get Traceback that indicates an Exception was raised.

Is it possible to return regular response, but to set celery task as failed, so result in flower will be failed ?

I am using:
Celery 4.1
AMPQ as broker
Celery Flower as monitoring


  • Try \ except works fine. Your task will always be unsuccessful because you called self.retry before return. Let's make a little test:

    from celery import Celery
    app = Celery(name_app,broker_settings_etc....)
    def some_other_foo(value):
        raise Exception('This is not handled!')
    def some_foo(self):
        response = ""
            response = some_other_foo('test')
        except Exception as exc:
            self.retry(countdown=5, exc=exc)
            response = "error"
        return response

    Run celery app and call our task. You will see in celery logs something like this:

    3fb-81de-e4149fa88f4c] retry: Retry in 5s: Exception('This is not handled!',)
    [2017-08-18 15:50:34,160: INFO/MainProcess] Received task: tasks.some_foo[b656731b-c85d-43fb-81de-e4149fa88f4c] eta:[2017-08-18 12:50:39.156912+00:00]
    [2017-08-18 15:50:34,161: INFO/MainProcess] Task tasks.some_foo[b656731b-c85d-43fb-81de-e4149fa88f4c] retry: Retry in 5s: Exception('This is not handled!',)
    [2017-08-18 15:50:39,511: ERROR/MainProcess] Task tasks.some_foo[b656731b-c85d-43fb-81de-e4149fa88f4c] raised unexpected: Exception('This is not handled!',)
    Traceback (most recent call last): 
    # trace here...
    Exception: This is not handled!

    How it works. You set for the task max_retries=5. When you called self.retry(countdown=5, exc=exc) Celery interrupts processing of task and try to restart task with countdown(in our case = 5). After 5 attempts(max_retries) Celery won't rerun task.

    Now, let's change our try \ except block to:

        response = some_other_foo('test')
    except Exception:
        print 'handled'
        response = "bad response"

    Restart Celery and run our task. Let's check log:

    [2017-08-18 15:58:41,893: INFO/MainProcess] Received task: tasks.some_foo[1437e7ce-1c69-4042-824b-5602f486c025]
    [2017-08-18 15:58:41,895: WARNING/Worker-3] handled
    [2017-08-18 15:58:41,896: INFO/MainProcess] Task tasks.some_foo[1437e7ce-1c69-4042-824b-5602f486c025] succeeded in 0.00186271299026s: 'bad response'

    As you can see handler works fine.

    So, summarize. If you call self.retry, Celery will interrupt processing of task and try to restart a current task.