If I wanted to exclude some columns (Ozone
, Day
, Month
) that get "gathered" I can do this:
tidyr::gather(airquality, key, value, -Ozone, -Day, -Month)
But in a function, it isn't clear to me how to do this. This seems clumsy though it works:
my_gather <- function(col_to_compare) {
gather_cols = dplyr::setdiff(c("Ozone", "Solar.R","Wind","Temp"), col_to_compare)
tidyr::gather(airquality, key, value, !! rlang::enquo(gather_cols))
Any idea how to exclude columns in a more rigorous way?
Note: This is with tidyr
Since gather()
has the same semantics as select()
, this question is a duplicate of Remove columns the tidyeval way.
You can use -one_of(vars)
which is the recommended way to do it.
Alternatively you can construct a list of negated symbols and splice these expressions within the gather()
call. Here is how to create symbols and wrap them in calls to -
# This creates a list of symbols
syms <- syms(vars)
# This creates a list of calls:
exprs <- map(syms, function(sym) lang("-", sym))
You can then splice the list of calls with !!!:
df %>% gather(key, value, !!! exprs)