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httpbuilder-ng no signature of method multipart() when attempting a post

I implemented this code almost exactly as listed in the examples for HttpBuilder-NG and it is not working for me. For some reason it does not recognize the multipart as a method. Example from the creators of the libraries

def uploadFileNG(String targetTestId, String filePath) {
    File someFile = new File(filePath)
    OkHttpBuilder.configure {
        request.uri = blazeUrl
    }.post {
        request.uri.path = "/api/latest/tests/${targetTestId}/files"
        request.contentType = "multipart/form-data"
        request.body = multipart {
            field 'name', 'This is my file'
            part 'file', someFile.getName(), 'text/plain', someFile
        request.encoder 'multipart/form-data', OkHttpEncoders.&multipart


  • The multipart method (in request.body config) needs to be statically imported (I will update the docs to be more explicit about this).

    This would be import static for your example.