I would know what are the queries that make slow my Joomla website. I know that there is the possibility to log all the slow query. Unfortunately, I have only the access to the ftp where the website is hosted. Can I see this log also in ftp? Or I have to access to the server? There are other way to see this log?
As Rinos already said, there can be different reasons for a slow Joomla-Site.
If you cannot find a db-query being responsible for that check the network-tab in your developer-tools for resources that slow down your site.
One possible reason can be, that you are loading http-resources via https (so if you have hardcoded integrations of images, script-files etc. that will load via http while your site running in https, the developer tools will bark at you something about 'mixed content' ;) )
Depending on your Joomla there also might be some Modules/Components/Plugins that are not well designed... maybe deactivating them by chance and refreshing (yep, might be lot of work) will give you a hint. BUT: Please be careful, since there are some Plugins like the authentication-plugins that are needed and if you deactivate them you might "lock" yourself out. Normally core components and plugins shouldn't be responsible for that at all.
If you have a look at the queries from the debug-console, there are some queries that perform a full-table-scan. Maybe you'll find one among these that are performance-hungry.
If not so, please check your global configuration in the Joomla Backend under System -> Global Configuration
and try check the following things:
-Tab check for gzip-compression of your pageSome of the possibilities here might help you to gain some performance, but if you still have performance problems, my next look would be the server-config.
There are still other things you might give a "heads up":
Have a look at your php.ini file. What about your memory-limit and other options (have a look here for the technical requirements that are recommended: https://downloads.joomla.org/technical-requirements
Back on your site, are there any javascript-errors (the developer-tools of your browser will tell you)
Well, these are several possibilities you might pay some attention... Performance-Issues can have many reasons but hopefully some of the above said things might lead you on the right track ;)