Concept : I am creating a calendar of one year.
say 01-01-2017 to 31-12-2017.
Issue : when i set min date to 08-06-2017 then datepicker goes rearranged and it becomes a datepicker of 01-06-2017 to 31-05-2018
what i need is it should start from 1 jan 2017
and ends with 31 dec 2017
js code :
$('#generate_sampling .full-year').multiDatesPicker({
addDates: dates,
numberOfMonths: (samplingStatus=="EDIT" ? [3,4] : [6,4]),
minDate : startDate,
maxDate : endDate,
defaultDate : '01/30/'+(year == '' ? '2017' : year),
Here i managed to stop rearrangement of dates. i added some conditions under beforeShowDay and commented my min and max date parameters
$('#generate_sampling .full-year').multiDatesPicker({
addDates: dates, // array of dates
numberOfMonths: [3,4] ,
/*minDate : startDate,
maxDate : endDate,*/
defaultDate : '01/30/'+(year == '' ? '2017' : year),
beforeShowDay: function(dateStamp) {
var className="";
if(dateStamp < new Date(startDate) || dateStamp > new Date(endDate)){
className =" ui-datepicker-unselectable ui-state-disabled "
var title = "Disabled";
return [true, className ,title]; // title will be displayed as tooltip
In case beforeShowDay is not working please check your multidatepickers core js file. this below line must be commented . uncomment it. it will work.
this.multiDatesPicker.originalBeforeShowDay = options.beforeShowDay;
Thank you!