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Laravel Repository eager load predefined accessor

Just wanted to know if it is possible to eager-load a defined accessor in Laravel Repository. I am currently using this l5-repository package and Laravel 5.4.

In my UserInfo.php model, I have this function

public function getFullNameAttribute()
    return ucfirst($this->first_name . " ". $this->last_name);

Then I am trying to eager load that accessor in my controller like this.

$user_infos = $this->repository->with('full_name')->all(); 
// or $user_infos = $this->repository->with('getFullNameAttribute')->all();
return response()->json([ 'data' => $user_infos ]);

I know that it is not gonna work. I am just looking for a similar way to add my accessor full_name in my collection. So I don't need to concatenate in my front end. So my expected result would be

   id : 1,
   first_name : "Sample fname",
   last_name : "Sample lname",
   full_name : "Sample fname Sample lname",


  • Use $appends in your model UserInfo.php

    protected $appends = ['full_name'];

    This will append this custom field in your collection.

    Then you can see it here :

    $user_infos = UserInfo::all(); 

    You can see the appended accessor in the json.