okay so i know this probably doesn't look very tidy, but on the line 'FinalMessage' I am getting the error 'string indices must be integers' and I need a little help putting it right and understanding why. Any help appreciated :)
StartBalance = input("Enter a Start Balance - £")
InterestRate = input("Enter Interest Rate - %")
StartBalance = float(StartBalance)
InterestRate = float(InterestRate)
InterestRate = InterestRate/100
TotalBalance = StartBalance
MonthList = []
InterestList = []
Months = 24
print("Month Interest Total Balance")
for Months in range(0,25):
Interest = TotalBalance*InterestRate/12
TotalBalance = TotalBalance + Interest
if Months < 10:
message = " %d %6.2f %6.2f" %(Months, Interest,
message = " %d %6.2f %6.2f" %(Months, Interest,
EndOfInput = False
while EndOfInput == False:
NumOfMonth = input("Enter Month to see Interest and Balance - ")
FinalMessage = float(NumOfMonth[MonthList]), float(Interest[MonthList]),
Response = ""
while Response != "Yes" and Response != "No":
Response = input("Would you like to see another Month? - ")
if Response == "Yes":
if Response != "Yes" and Response != "No":
print("Invalid input, please enter Yes or No")
if Response == "No":
EndOfInput = True
print("Thank you for using this program, Goodbye :)")
You define MonthList
as (heh) a list here MonthList = []
. Then you try to use it as an index here NumOfMonth[MonthList]
, which predictably fails.
I assume you wanted the Xth month, which would translate into:
But then you also have a wrong indexation here Interest[MonthList]
, which i again, assume , was meant to be InterestList[NumOfMonth]
As pointed out in the comments, you'd have to convert NumOfMonth to an int first NumOfMonth=int(NumOfMonth)