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Interface Builder XIB compiler error on Xcode 8

After switching to Xcode 9 then back to Xcode 8, my build is failing and I'm getting this error. I'm not getting any error on Xcode 9 though.

Note: I've already checked :Solution and Solution, however it's not working.

Why am I getting this error?

BasketTotalView.xib: Internal error. Please file a bug at and attach "/var/folders/dg/_yf1yfd15svdj48mrrlws5vw0000gp/T/IB-agent-diagnostics_2017-08-18_10-08-35_271000".


  • Click on your .XIB file 
    From Right side bar select "Show the file Inspector"
    Go to "Interface Builder Document" section.
    In "Open In" dropdown select Xcode 8.
    Clear derived data, Build and Run. 
    May this help you.