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Traversing Hierarchy Tree Adjacency List Model in Yii2

I was stuck on a logic I can't understand how it would be done and traverse the list.

Actually I was creating a category list that would be further used in creating the products. I wanted the category list should be in the form of parent and its sub nodes like adjacency list model.


id        categoryname        parent [id is the foreign key for the parent]
 1           a                  1
 2           b                  2
 3           c                  2
 4           e                  2
 5           f                  3
 6           g                  4

Fetching the details with ActiveQuery in yii2:

$rows = Category::find()

$rows array contains the data like this form

  [0] => Array
        [id] => 1
        [categoryname] => a
        [parent] => 1 

  [1] => Array
        [id] => 2
        [categoryname] => b
        [parent] =>2

  [2] => Array
        [id] => 3
        [categoryname] => c
        [parent] => 2
And so on...

I wanted the desired output should be like this form of list

    'id' => 1, 
    'categoryname' => 'a'
    'id' => 2, 
    'categoryname' => 'b'
    'id' => 3,
    'categoryname' => 'b > c'
    'id' => 4, 
    'categoryname' => 'b>c>f' 

I tried: when I get the rows from the table and stores them in an associative array. The child-ids for each branch node are stored in another associative array.

foreach ($rows as $row){
        $id = $row["id"];
        $parent_id = $row["parent"] === NULL ? "NULL" : $row["parent"];
        $data[$id] = $row;
        $index[$parent_id][] = $id;
    function display_child_nodes($parent_id, $level,$data,$index)

        $parent_id = $parent_id === NULL ? "NULL" : $parent_id;
        if (isset($index[$parent_id])) {
            foreach ($index[$parent_id] as $id) {
                $result['id'] = $data[$id]['id'];
                $result['name'] = $data[$id]['categoryname'];
                $result['level'] = $level;
                echo str_repeat("-", $level) . $data[$id]["categoryname"] . "\n";
                display_child_nodes($id, $level + 1,$data,$index);

    display_child_nodes(NULL, 0,$data,$index);

I followed this reference for result but i cant get the desired output.

I had gone through with stack overflow question but none is useful for me . So anybody can help Appreciated in advanced.


  • You can use Iterators for that. Let's extend RecursiveArrayIterator and call new iterator AdjacencyListIterator:

    class AdjacencyListIterator extends RecursiveArrayIterator
        private $adjacencyList;
        public function __construct(
            array $adjacencyList,
            array $array = null,
            $flags = 0
        ) {
            $this->adjacencyList = $adjacencyList;
            $array = !is_null($array)
                ? $array
                : array_filter($adjacencyList, function ($node) {
                    return is_null($node['parent']);
            parent::__construct($array, $flags);
        private $children;
        public function hasChildren()
            $children = array_filter($this->adjacencyList, function ($node) {
                return $node['parent'] === $this->current()['id'];
            if (!empty($children)) {
                $this->children = $children;
                return true;
            return false;
        public function getChildren()
            return new static($this->adjacencyList, $this->children);

    By the way, take a notice, for top level parents parent should be null (and not the same as id).

    Having this iterator you can generate paths like that:

    $iterator = new RecursiveIteratorIterator(
        new AdjacencyListIterator($rows),
    $path = [];
    foreach ($iterator as $node) {
        $depth = $iterator->getDepth();
        $path[$depth] = $node['categoryname'];
        echo implode(' > ', array_slice($path, 0, $depth + 1)), PHP_EOL;

    Here is working demo.

    This approach can be a bit slower, than custom recursive function. But it is actually more flexible. By changing only the mode of traversing, you can get leafs only, for example:

    $iterator = new RecursiveIteratorIterator(
        new AdjacencyListIterator($rows)
    foreach ($iterator as $leaf) {
        echo $leaf['categoryname'], PHP_EOL;

    This case differs from previous in that we set $mode of the RecursiveIteratorIterator to the default one RecursiveIteratorIterator::LEAVES_ONLY.