I occasionally like to map vim keys to search and then do something. I've been doing this for decades, but when I do it now, it takes over a second each time I use the mapped key.
I believe the cause is this, response from ":map" in vim:
n gx <Plug>NetrwBrowseX
n <Plug>NetrwBrowseX * :call netrw#NetrwBrowseX(expand("<cWORD>"),0)<CR>
What are these mappings for, and how can I get rid of them?
The map I'm adding today is
:map g nz.
Simply so every time I find the searched term, it's centered in the screen so I can quickly compare contexts.
Try nunmap gx
From the source code netrw.vim
" s:NetrwBrowseX: (implements "x") executes a special "viewer" script or program for the {{{2
" given filename; typically this means given their extension.
" 0=local, 1=remote
fun! netrw#NetrwBrowseX(fname,remote)