I have the following code:
char stringHour[50], stringMinute[50], stringSecond[50];
// lots of code...
itoa(hour, stringHour, 10);
itoa(minute, stringMinute, 10);
itoa(second, stringSecond, 10);
strcat(":", stringSecond);
strcat(":", stringMinute);
strcat(stringMinute, stringSecond);
// stringHour contains both HH and :SS:MM
strcat(stringHour, stringMinute);
drawText(HRES/2 - 4, VRES - GLYPH_HEIGHT*2,
stringHour, black);
, minute
and second
are all ints.
What I want to do is diplay time as follows: HH:MM:SS.
The variables are guaranteed to be between 0 and 59 (except hout, 0-24).
drawText is correct.
This block of code crashes my program, and I can't find anything wrong with it. Can you?
Thanks for your time!
More than likely the bit that is failing is this piece:
... stuff removed
strcat (":",
... other stuff removed
You almost certainly can't strcat
stuff onto a string literal on the platform you are using.
The strcat
approach has buffer overflow safety issues as well. Maybe using snprintf
might be a better alternative?