There are two entities say 'Books' and 'Book Reviews'. There can be multiple books and each book can have multiple reviews.
Each review and book should have a separate permalink. Books and Reviews can be added by users using separate input forms. As soon as any book/review is added it should be accessible by its permalink.
Anyone can point me in the right direction on how should this be implemented?
Url routing will handle this out of the box with no additional real work required.
Just create a Books or BookReviews controller. Create a action method that takes an Id
You will have basic permalinks like /Books/Details/1 and /BookReviews/Details/4
If your happy with permalinks like that, then you are good to go. :)
However, if you want to take it further and make it even more search engine friendly with a little bit more work......
First you should create or find a simple "slug" encoder, which will take a string (perhaps the title of the book or reviewer) and encode any non-alphanumeric characters into a - or similar. URL Slugify algorithm in C#?
Now we can create a route like
new { controller = "Books", action = "Details" } // Parameter defaults
So we end up with permalinks that look like: Books/The-Title-Of-The-Book-38
For the book reviews, you might want to have a "nested" approach so you could use
new { controller = "BookReviews", action = "Details" } // Parameter defaults
You can either add a slug field to your models/entites/database, or you can just add a getter that will dynamically generate it from your title/author
public class Book {
public string Id {get;set;}
public string Title {get;set;}
public string Slug
return SlugEncoder.EncodeString(this.Title);
In your views
=Html.ActionLink("Permalink","Details","Book",new{@Id=Model.Id, @Slug=Model.Slug})