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Rails - Correct location to place cron jobs

This question is more related to code quality and organization.

I am developing a Rails application, and we have some cron jobs that we execute daily. Those jogs are already working, but currently I am placing them inside my models, for example:

def update_boleto_orders_payment_status
    orders = Order.boleto_unpaid_orders
    orders.each do |o|
      order = HTTParty.get("https...",
                    headers: {"Authorization" => "Basic #
      order_status = JSON.parse(order.body).symbolize_keys![:status]
      o.update_column(:paid, true) if(order_status.eql? "AUTHORIZED")

I use this method to update my order status, and this method is located inside my Order model.

My question is: Assuming rails best practices and conventions, is it correct to place this jobs inside my model? Or should I place this kind of methods somewhere else?


  • Creating a job class in the app/jobs directory is pretty common these days.