I have a back-end Laravel 5 and front-end AngularJS. Application is about allowing users to select multiple dependent very high-value products.
A. User selects a product from a drop-down - select-option. Product is added to a cart.
B. Then user clicks on Add button to add more products, this adds a row dynamically with drop-down select-option HTML element. This is done dynamically using AngularJS with $compile / $scope to add compiled HTML.
C. When user adds a row, initially product drop-down select-option has no value selected.
D. User selects a product from drop-down select-option. Product is added to a cart.
E. User may keep on adding around 50 products. Look at this UI:
Now the condition is, when a new row is added the relevant drop-down should not show any product that is already selected in any of the drop-downs above.
Can someone please help me?
Try this. hope it will work.
var app = angular.module('plunker', []);
app.controller('MainCtrl', function($scope,$filter) {
$scope.rep = [];
$ = function(){
var sahed = $filter('filter')($scope.rep, $scope.sel) ;
if(sahed.length <= 0){
return false;
$scope.coll =[
{id: 1,
rate : 50,
base_price : 50,
product_name : 'ab'
{id: 2,
rate : 50,
base_price : 505,
product_name : 'abc'
{id: 3,
rate : 520,
base_price : 500,
product_name : 'abcd'
{id: 4,
rate : 50,
base_price : 505,
product_name : 'abcef'
and here the html
<body ng-controller="MainCtrl">
<select name="sel" id="sel" ng-model="sel"
ng-options="x as x.product_name for x in coll track by" ng-change="xyz()">
<option value="">select product</option>
<table border="0">
<tr ng-repeat="x in rep">
For example see it