I am attempting to use cmake to build my visual studio 2017 project. The program, written in C, parses a csv file. The issue is the file is in a different folder from the c file. How would I set it so I can use fopen() just by giving it the name of the file rather than the path?
This is the layout of my program:
| |--header_files.h
| |--util
| | |--app_util.c
| | |--other_files.c
| |--main
| | |--app.c
| |--fitness_cases.csv
The goal is to be able to call fopen("fitness_cases.csv") in app_util.c, which I think should be done by including the directory /userdata in the CMakeLists.txt file. How would I do this?
I figured it out, but I ended up doing something slightly different than what my question asked. I came up with a solution that automatically detects the path of the file and includes it as a macro in a header file.
The way I did it was by creating a CMakeLists.txt file in the include folder. I then had it configure a header file which contained a macro to the path by searching for the csv file is userdata. Then I included the new CMakeLists.txt in the main one.
This was the setup my program has:
| |--header_files.h
| |--CMakeLists.txt
| |--csv_file.h.in
| |--util
| | |--app_util.c
| | |--other_files.c
| |--main
| | |--app.c
| |--fitness_cases.csv
The CMakeLists.txt file in the include folder looks like this:
#Search for csv file
file(GLOB CSV_DIR "data/*.csv" )
# configure the header.
configure_file("include/params.h.in" "include/params.h")
# Includes the new header
csv_file.h.in is just a single line:
#cmakedefine CSV_DIR "@DIR_STRING@"
Then I added this to the main CMakeLists.txt:
By using doing this, after building it with CMake I can use the variable CSV_DIR anywhere in the program.