I wrote the following basic SQL request, which returns the desired results :
SELECT c.IdC, MAX(v.[Date])
FROM TableV v
JOIN TableC c ON v.IdClassified = c.IdC
WHERE v.IdUser = 'MyIdUser'
ORDER BY MAX(v.[Date]) DESC, c.IdC
I'd like to "convert" it to LINQ, but I'm having hard times to deal with the aggregate function and the group by
Any idea how to convert it to LINQ ?
Find an answer :
var qViews = from v in dbContext.TableV
join c in dbContext.TableC ON v.IdC equals c.IdC
where v.IdUser == idUser
group v by v.IdC into grp
let tri = grp.Max(x => x.Date)
orderby tri descending
select new { x = grp.Key /*whatever else*/ };
Hope it helps