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How to hide some output of WMIC query

I've a batch that kill certain processes. After starting it, I want to hide Ignoring: <ProcessName> and display only Terminating: <ProcessName>, so how I can do this ?

@echo off
title prockiller

set "whitelist=Microsoft Avast Panda ESET Kaspersky Avira AVG Bitdefender Malwarebytes Norton McAfee GAS IBM"

for /f "tokens=2 delims=," %%I in (
    'wmic process get executablepath^,status /format:csv ^| find "\"'
) do (
    set "proc=%%~I"
    setlocal enabledelayedexpansion
    wmic datafile where "name='!proc:\=\\!'" get manufacturer 2>nul | findstr /i "%whitelist%" >nul && (
        echo Ignoring: %%~nI
    ) || (
        echo Terminating: %%~nI && taskkill /im "%%~nxI" /f /t >nul 2>&1

Thanks in advance.


  • Here's a quick untested version:

    @Echo Off
    Title Process killer with a whitelist
    Set "IPL=Avast AVG Avira BitDefender ESET GAS IBM Kaspersky Malwarebytes"
    Set "IPL=%IPL% McAfee Microsoft Norton Panda"
    For /F "Skip=1 Delims=" %%A In (
        'WMIC Process Where "Not ExecutablePath Is Null" Get ExecutablePath'
    ) Do For /F "Delims=" %%B In ("%%~A") Do Call :Sub %%~B
    Timeout -1
    Set "proc=%*"
    For %%A In ("%proc:\=\\%") Do (
        WMIC DataFile Where "Name='%%~A' And Not Manufacturer Is Null"^
         Get Manufacturer|FindStr/IVX "Manufacturer"|FindStr/I "%IPL%">Nul||(
            Echo Terminating "%proc%"
            Echo=TaskKill /F /IM "%%~nxA" /T))

    Remove Echo= from the last line, and optionally the Timeout -1 line, if the console output looks okay.