Accessing xmltodict converted values. I have an xml that looks like this
<PQ N="E90" RT="TG">
<CASES ASOF_DATE="8/11/2017" CREATE_DATE="8/13/2017" RECORDS="1130" >
I am trying to access the CASE dictionary. If I remove the second XML line and try returning d[PQ]['CASE'], I get the desire result Here is the code for that:
def convert(xml_file, xml_attribs=True):
with open(xml_file, "rb") as f:
d = xmltodict.parse(f, xml_attribs=xml_attribs)
return (d['FUND'])
This is how the output of d looks like:
OrderedDict([(PQ, OrderedDict([('@N', 'E90'), ('@RT', 'TG'), (CASES,
OrderedDict([('@ASOF_DATE', '8/11/2017'), ('@CREATE_DATE', '8/13/2017'),
('@RECORDS', '1130'), (CASE, [OrderedDict([('ID, E90), ..... so on
Question: Unable Return the item of d with key key. Raises a KeyError.
I am trying to access the CASE dictionary.
od['PQ'] = \ OrderedDict({'@N':"E90", '@RT':"TG", 'CASES': OrderedDict({'ASOF_DATE':"8/11/2017", 'CREATE_DATE':"8/13/2017", 'RECORDS':"1130", 'CASE': OrderedDict({'ID':'E90'})})})
>>> OrderedDict([('@N', 'E90'), ('@RT', 'TG'), ('CASES', OrderedDict([('ASOF_DATE', '8/11/2017'), ('CREATE_DATE', '8/13/2017'), ('RECORDS', '1130'), ('CASE', OrderedDict([('ID', 'E90')]))]))])
>>> OrderedDict([('ASOF_DATE', '8/11/2017'), ('CREATE_DATE', '8/13/2017'), ('RECORDS', '1130'), ('CASE', OrderedDict([('ID', 'E90')]))])
>>> OrderedDict([('ID', 'E90')])
>>> OrderedDict([('ID', 'E90')])
print('list(od[\'PQ\'])[2] {}'.format(list(od['PQ'].values())[2]))
>>> list(od['PQ'])[2] OrderedDict([('ASOF_DATE', '8/11/2017'), ('CREATE_DATE', '8/13/2017'), ('RECORDS', '1130'), ('CASE', OrderedDict([('ID', 'E90')]))])
for kv in list(od['PQ'].values()):
print('od[\'PQ\'].values {}'.format(kv))
>>> od['PQ'].values E90
>>> od['PQ'].values TG
>>> od['PQ'].values OrderedDict([('ASOF_DATE', '8/11/2017'), ('CREATE_DATE', '8/13/2017'), ('RECORDS', '1130'), ('CASE', OrderedDict([('ID', 'E90')]))])
for k,v in od.items():
print('items(od) {}:{}'.format(k,v))
>>> items(od) PQ:OrderedDict([('@N', 'E90'), ('@RT', 'TG'), ('CASES', OrderedDict([('ASOF_DATE', '8/11/2017'), ('CREATE_DATE', '8/13/2017'), ('RECORDS', '1130'), ('CASE', OrderedDict([('ID', 'E90')]))]))])
Tested with Python: 3.4.2