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PC Lint, err 613 and "complicated" if

int* ptrF();
void f()
    int* p = ptrF();
    bool pOK = p && true;
    if (pOK)
        *p = 12; // Lint thinks p might be nullptr here

Lint gives a warning

C:\lint_test\nullptr_with_init.cpp(8): Issue 613: (Warning -- Possible use of null pointer 'p' in argument to operator 'unary *' [Reference: file C:\lint_test\nullptr_with_init.cpp: line 6])

Does anyone know if there is a setting to make Lint more "clever" and to see that pOK cannot be true if p == nullptr?

This would be much better than changing the code or suppressing the warning like this

        *p = 12; //lint !e613


Pc Lint, how to suppress err 613(Possible use of null ponter) for class with init() is an absolutely different question. That one is about how to supress a warning. This one is about how to make Lint check "complicated" if-statements (if possible)


  • I seems like in this case adding conversion from pointer to bool will help

    bool pOK = (bool)p && true;