I'm busy creating a custom module for Odoo 10. Part of it is to make sure Products are displayed with a default Group By in the Search Window. I can't seem to find the view/template where that could be organised. Has anybody an idea? Thanks in advance.
Say you want to group by categ_id
. Then all you need to do is add a new filter like this:
<filter name="groupby_categ_id"
string="Internal Category"
context="{'group_by': 'categ_id'}"/>
And you will have to add this filter by default with the action context:
<field name="context">
{'search_default_groupby_categ_id': 1}
You can also pass this as a context of a field as follows:
<field name="product_tmpl_id"
context={'search_default_groupby_categ_id': 1}
And then when clicking on Search more
the filter will be on by default.