I want to plot this code but it entered
IndexError: list index out of range in the line: k = float(sys.argv[1])
Can anyone help me how to fix this?
**strong text**
def setupWindow () :
global win, canvas
from tkinter import Tk, Canvas, Frame
win = Tk()
canvas = Canvas(win, height=canHeight, width=canWidth)
f = Frame (win)
def startApp () :
global win, canvas
import sys
k1 = float(sys.argv[1]) # starting value of K
k2 = float(sys.argv[2]) # ending value of K
x = .2 # is somewhat arbitrary
vrng = range(200) # We'll do 200 horz steps
for t in range(canWidth) :
k = k1 + (k2-k1)*t/canWidth
print ("K = %.04f" % k)
for i in vrng :
p = x*canHeight
canvas.create_line(t,p,t,p+1) # just makes a pixel dot
x = x * (1-x) * k # next x value
if x <=0 or x >= 1.0 :
print ("overflow at k", k)
def main () :
setupWindow() # Create Canvas with Frame
startApp() # Start up the display
win.mainloop() # Just wait for user to close graph
if __name__ == "__main__" : main()
It looks like the program is expecting 2 float command line arguments. `
k1 = float(sys.argv[1]) # starting value of K
k2 = float(sys.argv[2])
So you shuld probably launch it with something like
python main.py 100 200
To go more into detail, your code is reading command line arguments and it's expecting there to be 2 of them, that can also be parsed into float values.
Normally, the first command line argument is the script file itself, so sys.argv
is always at least one element long.
That being said, you can either do as suggested above, and pass 2 floats as arguments, when launching the script, or just edit the script and hardcode 2 values instead of the ones read from the command line, like so
k1 = 100
k2 = 200