It's my first experience with Cocos2d-x Game Engine, I encountered a lot of problems. The first time I tried the latest NDK of Android Studio but there is a bug on this NDK version when I tried to compile my project with : cocos compile -p android --android-studio
so I change the NDK version to 13b.
When I changed to NDK 13b the compilation was done without any problems and android studio build my project successfully but when I tried to create new CPP FILE or JAVA FILE or anything inside the Classes folder, Android Studio It does not display anything except the first CPP FILES, then I changed again NDK to 14b and I encountered the same problem.
The CPP files exist on my disc but Android Studio could not detect the files I created.
I found the solution, the solution is to using Wildcards eliminates and modify each time you add a file inside Classes folder.
like this :
$(wildcard $(LOCAL_PATH)/../../../Classes/*.cpp) \
$(wildcard $(LOCAL_PATH)/../../../Classes/**/*.cpp) \
$(wildcard $(LOCAL_PATH)/../../../Classes/**/**/*.cpp)
LOCAL_SRC_FILES := hellocpp/main.cpp \
If you add a new cpp file, you need to update
In addition, please run “Build > Refresh Linked C++ Projects” of Android Studio menu.