Is there a solution to avoid memory leak in a simple expression evaluation like this ?
inter.SetVariable("tick", tick++);
if (inter.Eval<bool>("(tick%2)==1"))
if ((odd % 100) == 0)
I'm running this code periodically in a WinForm application on a Linux machine with Mono ( and the memory usage continuously increase. Tested on Windows the Process.WorkingSet64 was increasing with a lower rate than Linux. The GC.GetTotalMemory is always stable.
If possible, it is better to use the Parse
method and then just Invoke
the expression multiple times.
Something like:
// One time only
string expression = "(tick%2)==1";
Lambda parsedExpression = interpreter.Parse(expression, new Parameter("tick", typeof(int)));
// Call invoke for each cycle...
var result = parsedExpression.Invoke(tick++);
But from my previous tests I don't have see any Memory Leak, are you sure that is this the problem?