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(onSelectChange) output for mdOption ALWAYS gets passed first item in list

I'm using Angular Material for Angular 4 (4.3.4) and I need to hook into the selection event to clear the input and store the object in a separate list. But there's a problem: the onSelectChange output ALWAYS gets the first item as the parameter! What's going on?

Here's my template:

<md-autocomplete [displayWith]="displayRole" #auto="mdAutocomplete">
        *ngFor="let role of roles | acrole: roleField.value | slice:0:4; let i=index;" 
        (onSelectionChange)="AddRole(role)" >
        <div class="label">

And here's my AddRole function:

AddRole(role: Role)
   // role is always the first role in the list, no matter which option I clicked on.


  • With onSelectionChange event, it is possible to differentiate when the item is selected or unselected. You need to pass an $event to the target method in order to differentiate between the two cases.

    Here are the changes you need to make in order to make your changes work:

    In your component html:

    <md-autocomplete [displayWith]="displayRole" #auto="mdAutocomplete">
            *ngFor="let role of roles | acrole: roleField.value | slice:0:4; let i=index;" 
            (onSelectionChange)="AddRole($event, role)">
            <div class="label">

    ... and in your component.ts, change the method to following:

    AddRole(event: MdOptionSelectionChange, role: Role) {  
        if (event.source.selected) {

    Here is a PLUNKER DEMO based on the Material documentation example. The documentation needs to be a bit more clear about these changes.