The thor gem seems to always order the defined commands alphabetically when printing its help output. Example:
#!/usr/bin/env ruby
require "thor"
class MyCLI < Thor
desc "z", "this should go first"
def z; end
desc "a", "this should go second"
def a; end
Saving this script as thor-test
and calling it without arguments gives this output:
thor-test a # this should go second
thor-test help [COMMAND] # Describe available commands or one specific command
thor-test z # this should go first
Question: How can I tell Thor to order the entries differently?
Seems as if Thor doesn't offer a configuration option for this. So I'll settle on some monkey-patching for now. aristotll's answer pointed me to the right place in Thor's source code.
But instead of hacking the <=>
method, I decided to change the implementation of the help
method. This seems still cleaner to me and has the advantage that I can further influence the behavior of the help output:
#!/usr/bin/env ruby
require "thor"
class MyCLI < Thor
class << self
def help(shell, subcommand = false)
list = printable_commands(true, subcommand)
Thor::Util.thor_classes_in(self).each do |klass|
list += klass.printable_commands(false)
# Remove this line to disable alphabetical sorting
# list.sort! { |a, b| a[0] <=> b[0] }
# Add this line to remove the help-command itself from the output
list.reject! {|l| l[0].split[1] == 'help'}
if defined?(@package_name) && @package_name
shell.say "#{@package_name} commands:"
shell.say "Commands:"
shell.print_table(list, :indent => 2, :truncate => true)
# Add this line if you want to print custom text at the end of your help output.
# (similar to how Rails does it)
shell.say 'All commands can be run with -h (or --help) for more information.'
desc "z", "this should go first"
def z; end
desc "a", "this should go second"
def a; end