i am integrating Paypal with our platform for multiple merchants. Here a Merchant just need to enter his Paypal email Id, and here i just need to validate his First Name and Last Name to be matched with Paypal account and the entered names in our platform.
And then i should be able to send invoices On behalf of Merchant from our platform to their customers.
I am looking for below.
1) How do i validate Merchant email id with paypal
2) After validating how do i be able to send Invoices on behalf of Merchants.
FYI, I just find similar setup functionality here. i would need something like this.
After a long time analyzing, i was able to find that to have above functionality , i have to use AdaptivePayment method of Paypal for generating invoice from our side and sending a link for payment and invoice page to customer in mail.
But before doing this i have to validate email id of merchant using GetVerifiedStatus API as mentioned by PP_Punna.
So the following steps are needed to :
1) Validate merchant email Id with first name and last name using GetVerifiedStatus API.
2) Generate a PayKey using AdaptivePayment method (PAY) by mentioning the receiver email id as Merchant email id which was validated in first step and create url like
https://www.sandbox.paypal.com/cgi-bin/webscr?cmd=_ap-payment&paykey=[PayKey]. and put it under paypal button.