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zebra scanner integration in android

we are using symbol ls4278 bluetooth scanner to integrate in android application. It is connected as keyboard and types scanned barcode in any edittext field... After scanner OnKeyUp event is called.

 public override bool OnKeyUp(Keycode keyCode, KeyEvent e)

I was searching documentation and android sdk, but I can't found such one. But for LI4278 they have android sdk here : here is also documentation for sdk but LS4278 is not in supported device list.

Does anyone implemented LS4278 scanner in android devices?


  • The LS4278 product page is here: and lists support for the "Windows Scanner SDK" ONLY. The LS4278 was discontinued on September 24th 2012 so I am not surprised it does not have Android support. As you say, its successor, the LI4278 does have Android support. As the other answer states, if you want more control over how you receive data then I suggest trying SPP if the scanner supports it.