I am trying to put a reference to the following link into one of my reST documents: https://docs.python.org/3/library/stdtypes.html#typecontextmanager. I am trying to use a :ref:
inline directive instead of a link.
I ran python -m sphinx.ext.intersphinx https://docs.python.org/3/objects.inv
. The result shows, among other things:
... std:label 23acks Acknowledgements : whatsnew/2.3.html#acks 23section-other Other Changes and Fixes : whatsnew/2.3.html#section-other ... typebytearray Bytearray Objects : library/stdtypes.html#typebytearray typebytes Bytes Objects : library/stdtypes.html#typebytes typecontextmanager Context Manager Types : library/stdtypes.html#typecontextmanager typeiter Iterator Types : library/stdtypes.html#typeiter typememoryview Memory Views : library/stdtypes.html#typememoryview ...
The bolded URL is exactly what I am looking for since my intersphinx_mapping
looks like this:
intersphinx_mapping = {
'python': ('https://docs.python.org/3', None),
I use the following directive:
:ref:`context manager <python:typecontextmanager>`
This seems to be pointing to the right label, but I get the following warning:
WARNING: undefined label: python:typecontextmanager (if the link has no caption the label must precede a section header)
The :ref:
gets replaced by the string context manager
, but there is no link.
What am I missing?
I am using sphinx 1.6.3 on an Anaconda install of Python 3.6.2
Note 1
I have the same problem using :ref:`with <python:with>`
, which is supposed to point to https://docs.python.org/3/reference/compound_stmts.html#with, according to the inventory line (also under std:label
with The with statement : reference/compound_stmts.html#with
I am guessing that a solution to the main question will most likely solve this as well.
Note 2
Probably not 100% relevant, but I can link to :py:meth:`~contextmanager.__enter__`
in the same section without any problems.
Either of these work for me.
:ref:`typecontextmanager <python:typecontextmanager>`
Note that if you use angle brackets around the target, then you must include a title.
Here's how they render for me:
As an aside, I recently added context managers to Pyramid's documentation in its Glossary, which I think does a good job of explaining what they are. Here's the reST source:
:ref:`With Statement Context Managers <python:context-managers>`
:ref:`with <python:with>`