I have created a SB in the azure portal. By default the status is showing as Active. Let me have a scenario where i want to change the status of this SB, any idea on how to do that? Any pointers will be very helpful. We have 2 service bus and one needs to be active at a time. So how can we manage that?
By default the status is showing as Active. Let me have a scenario where i want to change the status of this SB, any idea on how to do that?
Service Bus works as a container or a namespace. The status of Azure Service Bus is internal used, we can't change it on Azure portal or using any API.
As @Sean Feldman said, we can only enable or disable the entities(queues or topics) in the Service Bus in the properties panel.
To disable all the queues and topics in a Service Bus, you could using following code.
string connectionString = "your connection string of service bus";
var namespaceManager = NamespaceManager.CreateFromConnectionString(connectionString);
IEnumerable<QueueDescription> queueList = namespaceManager.GetQueues();
foreach (QueueDescription qd in queueList)
qd.Status = EntityStatus.Disabled;
IEnumerable<TopicDescription> topicList = namespaceManager.GetTopics();
foreach (TopicDescription td in topicList)
td.Status = EntityStatus.Disabled;