Search code examples

SQL query to merge two aggregated subsets from the same table

I wrote a data.stackexchange query to find out what hour of the day a user posts questions and answers. You can see the SQL there. The results right now look like this:

hour hour questions answers 
---- ---- --------- ------- 
0    0    1         4       
null 2    null      4       
null 3    null      5       
null 4    null      7       
null 5    null      11      
null 6    null      10      
null 7    null      6       
null 8    null      1       
null 13   null      1       
null 14   null      7       
null 15   null      8       
null 16   null      11      
null 17   null      4       
null 18   null      10      
null 19   null      4       
null 20   null      6       
null 21   null      7       
22   22   1         6       
null 23   null      2     

How can I modify the query to:

  1. merge both hour columns into a single column, and
  2. if questions/answers are null, set to 0 instead.

Part 2 is low priority.

Edit: Here's the full SQL of the original query, since I'm about to improve it based on the answer:

   q.hour, a.hour, questions, answers
     datepart(hour,creationdate) AS hour,
     count(*) AS questions
   FROM posts
   WHERE posttypeid=1 AND OwnerUserId=##UserID##
   GROUP BY datepart(hour,creationdate)
) q
     datepart(hour,creationdate) AS hour,
     count(*) AS answers
   FROM posts
   WHERE posttypeid=2 AND OwnerUserId=##UserID##
   GROUP BY datepart(hour,creationdate)
) a
ON q.hour = a.hour
ORDER BY a.hour, q.hour


       ISNULL(q.hour, a.hour) AS hour, 
       ISNULL(questions,0) AS questions, 
       ISNULL(answers,0) AS answers

    Or rewrite the query to get rid of the full join

         datepart(hour,creationdate) AS hour,
         count(CASE WHEN posttypeid = 1 THEN 1 END) AS questions,
         count(CASE WHEN posttypeid = 2 THEN 1 END) AS answers
       FROM posts
       WHERE posttypeid IN (1,2) AND OwnerUserId=##UserID##
       GROUP BY datepart(hour,creationdate)