I am trying to implement custom transition animation here is what I have
class NavDelegate: NSObject, UINavigationControllerDelegate {
private let animator = Animator()
func navigationController(_ navigationController: UINavigationController,
animationControllerFor operation: UINavigationControllerOperation,
from fromVC: UIViewController,
to toVC: UIViewController) -> UIViewControllerAnimatedTransitioning? {
return animator
class Animator: NSObject, UIViewControllerAnimatedTransitioning {
func transitionDuration(using context: UIViewControllerContextTransitioning?) -> TimeInterval {
return 10.0
func animateTransition(using context: UIViewControllerContextTransitioning) {
let fromViewController = context.viewController(forKey: UITransitionContextViewControllerKey.from)!
let toViewController = context.viewController(forKey: UITransitionContextViewControllerKey.to)!
if fromViewController is ViewController {
self.pushAnimation(from: fromViewController as! ViewController,
to: toViewController as! VC2ViewController,
with: context)
if toViewController is ViewController {
func pushAnimation(from viewController: ViewController,
to destinationViewController: VC2ViewController,
with context: UIViewControllerContextTransitioning) {
//block 1
for cell in viewController.tableView1.visibleCells {
if let castCell = cell as? VC1TableViewCell {
castCell.contentViewToLeft.constant = -UIScreen.main.bounds.width
castCell.contentViewToRight.constant = UIScreen.main.bounds.width
let duration = Double(viewController.tableView1.visibleCells.index(of: cell)!)/Double(viewController.tableView1.visibleCells.count) + 0.2
UIView.animate(withDuration: duration, animations: {
}) { animated in
//block 2
for cell in destinationViewController.tableView2.visibleCells {
if let castCell = cell as? VC2TableViewCell {
castCell.contentViewToLeft.constant = -UIScreen.main.bounds.width
castCell.contentViewToRight.constant = UIScreen.main.bounds.width
let duration = Double(destinationViewController.tableView2.visibleCells.index(of: cell)!)/Double(destinationViewController.tableView2.visibleCells.count) + 0.2
UIView.animate(withDuration: duration, animations: {
}) { animated in
if duration > 1.1 {
The problem is that animation of constraints of destination controller (block 2) is never animated, layoutIfNeeded()
executes without animation, although block 1 is working. What might be the problem?
I've spent a couple of days testing
transitionDuration(using context: UIViewControllerContextTransitioning?)
function, and find out that it is all about calling some blocks of toViewController
animations inside DispatchQueue.main.async {}
. Not sure how it works, but I'd made my code work as I was planning to.