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For Loop Using Umbraco TagQuery with Multiple Tags to Get Related Nodes/Items

I'm trying to get all items of a certain document type, that are tagged the same as one of the tags on the current node/item.

I can get all related items of one tag by explicitly declaring it via:

var taggedContent = Umbraco.TagQuery.GetContentByTag("Tag1");
var taggedItems = taggedContent.Where(c => c.IsDocumentType("SpecificPageType", true) && c.IsVisible());

But, as GetContentByTag only takes one argument, I'm not sure how to structure the foreach loop to use my list of tags.

I'd like to make a foreach loop that results in one list of related items that combines all related items from each tag, so that I can then order it with .OrderBy("Id descending").

Here's my current static code that works:

var tags = Umbraco.TagQuery.GetTagsForEntity(Node.getCurrentNodeId()).DistinctBy(t => t.Text).OrderBy(t => t.Text);
var taggedContent = Umbraco.TagQuery.GetContentByTag("Tag1");
var taggedItems = taggedContent.Where(c => c.IsDocumentType("SpecificPageType", true) && c.IsVisible());
foreach (var relatedItem in taggedItems)
<a href="@relatedItem.Url">
        var pageTitle = relatedItem.GetPropertyValue("pageTitle").ToString();
    <h6>@Umbraco.Truncate(pageTitle, 80, true)</h6>

My failed attempts to construct the loop:

var tags = Umbraco.TagQuery.GetTagsForEntity(Node.getCurrentNodeId()).DistinctBy(t => t.Text).OrderBy(t => t.Text);
var listIWant = new List<IPublishedContent>();

foreach (var tag in tags)
var taggedContent = Umbraco.TagQuery.GetContentByTag(tag.ToString());
var taggedItems = taggedContent.Where(c => c.IsDocumentType("SpecificPageType", true) && c.IsVisible());

//How to modify the list here?



var tagsCount = tags.Count();
for (var i = 0; i < tagsCount; i++)
var taggedContent = Umbraco.TagQuery.GetContentByTag(tag.ToString());
var taggedItems = taggedContent.Where(c => c.IsDocumentType("SpecificPageType", true) && c.IsVisible());

//How to modify the list here?

// Modified the list to contain everything in the loop above, now order it
var orderedList = listIWant.OrderBy("Id descending");
// Create links from ordered list
foreach (var relatedItem in orderedList)
<a href="@relatedItem.Url">
        var pageTitle = relatedItem.GetPropertyValue("pageTitle").ToString();
    <h6>@Umbraco.Truncate(pageTitle, 80, true)</h6>

Thank you for any help and let me know if I'm unclear or need further information.


  • I was able to correctly construct the foreach loop to create the list, then process the list to remove duplicates and order as I wanted. Hopefully this helps someone else. Doubt it's the most efficient way to do it, but it works.


        // Get tags of current item I'm on
        var tags = Umbraco.TagQuery.GetTagsForEntity(Node.getCurrentNodeId()).DistinctBy(t => t.Text).OrderBy(t => t.Text);
        // Create blank list to add to in foreach loop
        var combinedList = new List<IPublishedContent>();
        // Get related content by tag for each tag, add to the list
        foreach (var tag in tags)
            var tagString = tag.Text;
            var taggedContent = Umbraco.TagQuery.GetContentByTag(tagString);
        // Filter list to only idea items, order by latest, then remove duplicates
        var taggedItems = combinedList.Where(c => c.IsDocumentType("NewsPage", true) && c.IsVisible() && c.Id != CurrentPage.Id).OrderBy("Id descending").DistinctBy(x => x.Id).Take(8);
        if (taggedItems.Any())
            foreach (var relatedItem in taggedItems)
            <a href="@relatedItem.Url">
                var pageTitle = relatedItem.GetPropertyValue("pageTitle").ToString();
            <h6>@Umbraco.Truncate(pageTitle, 80, true)</h6>