I am trying to scan from a .txt file with two floats with an hyphen in between them. The code works if the hyphen is removed, but I am doing a job for school purposes and the hyphen is needed.
The function is supposed to load the info from the file to an array.
Here is the code:
#include <stdio.h>
#include <estruturas.h>
#include <funcoes.h>
void loadmedicos(medico *pmedico,int total){
FILE *f;
medico x; //medico is a typedefined struct with 2 floats
printf("Ocorreu um erro ao abrir 'medicos.txt'!\n\n");
for(int i=0;i<total;i++){
If the .txt contains:
19.30 20.30
Then it will read correctly and output those numbers. If the file contains:
The second number won't be read. Why is that and how can I fix it?
You need to include the "-" character as part of the scanf
format. That way, the character is skipped over:
fscanf(f, "%f-%f", &x.horarioentrada, &x.horariosaida);