I'm writing a game which I've attempted to separate between the interface, and the simulator (both of which run with separate timing circuits - with the theory being animations will sync, and simulation can run only 10 times a second... or something)
I'm having issues with my TFPTimer. Its initialised with the Games constructor like so:
//Create the game timer
InternalTimer := TFPTimer.Create(nil);
//Set the OnTick callback
InternalTimer.OnTimer := @OnTick;
//Set the timer interval
InternalTimer.Interval := DEFAULT_INTERNAL_TIMER; // =10
//Start the timer
The problem is OnTick never seems to be called. I've got a seperate loop running under the client with an SDL_Delay in it. Do I need to eventise TFPTimer somehow? Should I give it its own thread (or does it already have one?) Any ideas on making my timer work?
Events come from the main event loop. If your program is not eventdriven in the Delphi/Lazarus sense it will probably not work.
Try an application.processmessages inbetween sleeps