I need sum row in tree view, and add where condition if is it possible!
My tree view:
row | field_1 | field_2
1 | 8 | Messi
2 | 8 | Messi
3 | 8 | Ronaldo
4 | 8 | Ronaldo
How sum only for Messi and only for Ronaldo and get result 16
In below span I get 32
<span t-esc="sum(line.field_1 for line in doc.my_ids)" widget="float_time"/>
Any solution?
<span t-esc="Messi"/> 16
<span t-esc="Ronaldo"/> 16
You can group your lines by field_2
and than calculate the sum of field_1
for each player
<t t-set="players" t-value="[]"/>
<t t-foreach="doc.my_ids" t-as="l">
<t t-set="players" t-value="players+[l.field_2]"/>
<t t-foreach="set(players)" t-as="player">
<span t-esc="player"/>
<t t-set="sum_goal" t-value=0/>
<t t-foreach="doc.my_ids" t-as="l">
<t t-if="player==l.field_2">
<t t-set="sum_goal" t-value=sum_goal+l.field_1/>
<span t-esc="sum_goal"/>
is a list of field_2
. You must use set()
to remove the duplication.