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SQL Server: how to use alias in update statement?

I'm wondering about the following query :

   UPDATE statisticsTable
   SET Value = (select count(*) 
                FROM OtherTable o
                WHERE o.UserId = UserId ) <-- this is the part that concerns me
   WHERE id in (1,2,3) 

How does SQL Server know that the second "UserId" field comes from statisticsTable and not from OtherTable ? Why can't I give an alias to statisticstable like 'stat' to clarify where I want to get that UserId ? Or is there a way?


  • SQL Server supports updates using joins.
    This means you can write your query like this:

    UPDATE s
    SET Value = d.NumOfRows
    FROM statisticsTable s
         SELECT UserId, COUNT(*) As NumOfRows
         FROM OtherTable
         GROUP BY UserId
    ) d ON s.UserId = d.UserId
    WHERE id in (1,2,3)