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How can I create a function that only accepts a subset of constructors of a type?

Let's say I have a type like this:

data Foo = Bar String | Baz | Qux String

I want to have a function like this:

get : Foo -> String
get (Bar s) = s
get (Qux s) = s

As written, this compiles, but it's not total, as there are missing cases; in other words, get Baz is treated like a hole rather than as an expression that doesn't typecheck.

I want to replace that Foo in the type signature of get with something that specifies that the value must be either a Bar or a Qux. How can I express this subset of the Foo type?


  • You could also mix the two approaches (by Kim Stiebel and Anton Trunov) and construct a helper data type. The type OnlyBarAndQux can only be constructed with values of Bar and Qux. For idris it is then possible to automatically infer a proof if this is the case when invoking get:

    module FooMe
    data Foo = Bar String | Baz | Qux String
    data OnlyBarAndQux: Foo -> Type where
        BarEy: OnlyBarAndQux (Bar s)
        QuxEx: OnlyBarAndQux (Qux s)
    ||| get a string from a Bar or Qux
    get: (f: Foo) -> {auto prf : OnlyBarAndQux f} -> String
    get (Bar s) {prf = BarEy} = s
    get (Qux s) {prf = QuxEx} = s
    -- Tests
    test1: get $ Bar "hello" = "hello"
    test1 = Refl
    test2: get $ Qux "hello" = "hello"
    test2 = Refl
    -- does not compile
    -- test3: get $ Baz = "hello"