I have integrated google and facebook omniauth in my rails application. The signup and signin works great. But, I also have a form which should be submitted along with omniauth, so that I can access the form content as parameters.
This is the piece of code:
%h1 Ask Question Instantly
%h3.hero-tagline Ask anonymously anytime
%h2.text-center Talk to us
%form{method: 'post', action: new_forward_questions_path}
=hidden_field_tag :authenticity_token, form_authenticity_token
%textarea.form-control{:autofocus => "", :cols => "20", :id => "question-content", :name => "content", :placeholder => "Describe your question on relationship, marriage. Please type atleast 50 characters", :rows => "7"}
%input{type: 'hidden', name: 'source', value: 'home'}
%button#ask-button-index.glow-button.btn.btn-primary{type: 'submit'}
%img{:alt => "", :src => image_path("incognito-new.svg")}/
Ask Anonymously
Please wait, submitting your question
=image_tag "ripple.gif"
= simple_form_for @question do |f|
= f.input :content, as: :hidden, input_html: {id: 'hidden_question_content'}
- if current_user.nil? or current_user.asker.nil? or current_user.asker.new_record?
= link_to "Sign up with Gmail", user_google_oauth2_omniauth_authorize_path(@question), class: "zocial gmail"
= link_to "Sign up with Facebook", user_facebook_omniauth_authorize_path, class: "zocial facebook"
Below is the screenshot of html generated As you can see the modal form gets populated with "Oauth Oauth Oauth" This is the content which I am writing inside the textarea and when I click on the button the modal pops up and has the same content I typed:
I have tried passing @question here but nothing gets passed. In controller I am trying to access the params through request.env["omniauth.params"] but it is always blank.
How can I access or pass this content parameter to omniauth and access it in controller?
You don't need a form here since the content
is a hidden input. You can pass it as extra params to link_to
like below
= link_to "Sign up with Gmail", user_google_oauth2_omniauth_authorize_path(content: "Your desired value"), class: "zocial gmail"
and look for content
in request.env["omniauth.params"]
The only way I can think of by appending the value of content to the url on a click event using Javascript of Jquery
<script type="text/javascript">
$(".gmail, .facebook").click(function(){
var hidden_content = $("#hidden_question_content").val();
var url = $(this).attr('href');
window.location.href = "url?content="+hidden_content;