In working with IBM Watson Conversation Service (WCS) I want to print an email address in the response. The problem is that WCS is neglecting all the characters after @ symbol and the @ character itself.
I tried using '
and \
to escape it, but it didn't help much.
How can I print an email address in a response string?
If the email address is passed into the Watson Conversation service as a context variable, then it can be returned (printed) as part of the response string. Assuming the variable is named "email" and its value is "[email protected]", the following would do as response:
Hello, your mail address is <? $email ?>
It would return:
Hello, your mail address is [email protected]
However, you need to be careful if you want to print out special characters such as @
. The reason is that it refers to entities. It is a shorthand. In that case you need to escape that sign with \
, e.g., \@
. Here is a hardcoded response:
Please contact support at support\