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Simple cc_library rule as a Skylark rule

I have a very simple cc_library() rule that I would like to convert to a Skylark rule.

The cc_library() rule is:

  name = 'cc_library_a',
  srcs = [ 'a.c' ],

The challange I'm facing is concerining compilation flags that get passed through different methods - for one, the command line. So assume I run the following command line:

# bazel build :a --copt -H

This will add the -H flag to the compilation command. The question here is how can I get the -H flag propagated to a Skylark rule?

I have tried the following but it did not work:

def _my_rule(ctx):
    _arguments = [ '-c' ]
    _arguments += ctx.fragments.cpp.c_options
    _arguments += [ '-o', ctx.outputs.out.path ]
        outputs = [ ctx.outputs.out ],
        inputs = [ ctx.file.src ],
        arguments = _arguments,
        executable = ctx.fragments.cpp.compiler_executable,

my_rule = rule(
    implementation = _my_rule,
    attrs = {
        'src': attr.label(allow_single_file = True),
    outputs = {
        'out': '%{name}.o',
    fragments = [ 'cpp' ],

The BUILD file content is the following:

load(':rules.bzl', 'my_rule')

    name = 'skylark_a',
    src = 'a.c',

    name = 'cc_library_a',
    srcs = [ 'a.c' ],

The output of building the Skylark rule shows clearly that the --copt was ignored:

# bazel build skylark_a --copt -H --subcommands
INFO: Found 1 target...
>>>>> # //:skylark_a [action 'SkylarkAction skylark_a.o']
(cd /bazel/jbasila/_bazel_jbasila/4d692aace2e7e1a45eec9fac3922ea8d/execroot/__main__ && \
  exec env - \
  /usr/bin/gcc -c a.c -o bazel-out/local-fastbuild/bin/skylark_a.o)
INFO: From SkylarkAction skylark_a.o:
a.c: In function 'a':
a.c:3:5: warning: implicit declaration of function 'puts' [-Wimplicit-function-declaration]
Target //:skylark_a up-to-date:
INFO: Elapsed time: 0.578s, Critical Path: 0.05s

What am I missing?


  • Because the --copt -H parameter is generic to C and C++ you need to get the flags using ctx.fragments.cpp.compiler_options([]) instead. The ctx.fragments.cpp.c_options code you where using is just for C specific options.

    Likewise, there is also a ctx.fragments.cpp.cxx_options([]) function that provides you C++ specific options.