Why can not I use "TermDocumentMatrix"?
I used the following command to unify plural words in singular form, but I get an error.
crudeCorp <- tm_map(crudeCorp, gsub, pattern = "smells", replacement = "smell")
crudeCorp <- tm_map(crudeCorp, gsub, pattern = "feels", replacement = "feel")
crudeDtm <- TermDocumentMatrix(crudeCorp, control=list(removePunctuation=T))
Error in UseMethod("meta", x) :
no applicable method for 'meta' applied to an object of class "character"
How should I solve it? 1. Is there a command to change from singular to cleaning? 2. Is this command I used wrong?
I will attach the following code to the sentence processing and matrix.
#(Eliminating Extra Whitespace)
crudeCorp <- tm_map(crudeCorp, stripWhitespace)
#(Convert to Lower Case)
crudeCorp<-tm_map(crudeCorp, content_transformer(tolower))
# remove stopwords from corpus
crudeCorp<-tm_map(crudeCorp, removeWords, stopwords("english"))
myStopwords <- c(stopwords("english"), "can", "will","got","also","goes","get","much","since","way","even")
myStopwords <- setdiff(myStopwords, c("will","can"))
crudeCorp <- tm_map(crudeCorp, removeWords, myStopwords)
crudeCorp <- tm_map(crudeCorp, gsub, pattern = "smells", replacement = "smell")
crudeCorp <- tm_map(crudeCorp, gsub, pattern = "feels", replacement = "feel")
#-(Creating Term-Document Matrices)
crudeDtm <- TermDocumentMatrix(crudeCorp, control=list(removePunctuation=T))
example : my data
2. how are you?
3. This apple is good
Whyn't use below code for stemming & Punctuation removal?
crudeCorp <- tm_map(crudeCorp, removePunctuation)
crudeCorp <- tm_map(crudeCorp, stemDocument, language = "english")
crudeDtm <- DocumentTermMatrix(crudeCorp)
Hope this helps!