I have a Selection
model which has many Choices
and one DefaultChoice
The relation is structured this way.
Models (I think here there is something wrong)
class Selection < ApplicationRecord
has_many :choices, dependent: :delete_all
has_one :default_choice, class_name: 'Choice'
class Choice < ApplicationRecord
belongs_to Selection
create_table :selections do |t|
t.references :default_choice, index: true
create_table :choices do |t|
t.belongs_to :selection
Somehow something is not right:
# let's say:
selection = Selection.find(1)
selection.choices << Choice.find(1)
selection.choices << Choice.find(2)
selection.default_choice = Choice.find(2)
# then
selection.default_choice_id = 2
# but
selection.default_choice.id = 1
How come?!
generates this query:
Choice Load (0.5ms) SELECT "choices".* FROM "choices" WHERE "choices"."selection_id" = $1 LIMIT $2 [["selection_id", 1], ["LIMIT", 1]]
You're using the same model Choice
for both relationships has_many :choiches
and has_one :default_choice
. So when you query has_one :default_choice
result are all from choices
table and with has_one
you only get one result which is the first it finds referenced to Selection object.
To implement default on has_many you can do something like add column on Choice model that will be true if it's default choice. Then has_one relationship would need to have scope to get only choice that is default true like this:
has_one :default_choice, -> { where default_choice: true }, class_name: 'Choice'