Here is my definition of FCFS (First Come First Serve - CPU Scheduling algorithm):
Process CPU Burst Arrival Time
p1 4 0
p2 5 1
p3 6 2
p4 5 1
p5 4 0
And the sequence of this example is as below
So my question is that in second turn why it doesn't take p5 instead of p4 as its arrival time is also 0?
is implemented through Queue data structure. So it all depends on the position of processes in the FCFS queue
, based on which short term scheduler
will select process for execution.
Since arrival time of p5
is less than p4
, it will definitely be ahead of p4 in the queue
and therefore, it must be executed first. The Gantt Chart you have drawn is wrong.
One of the correct sequence could be:
p1 , p5 , p2 , p4 , p3