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How to dynamically exclude the object from the chaininig in JavaScript?

I've got the object structure, where utils and utils.not takes the same prototype (with exist method). I simplified it for make it more clear:

var negative = true;
  //when negative===true, I want to run exist() through not object
} else {

Is there any other way to exclude not from the chain instead of using IF? If I wanted to change not object into another, eg positive, I could do this simply like that:

tests.utils[negative ? 'not':'positive'].exist();

But how can I dynamically exclude not object from the chain? My IF syntax works fine, but I just wonder if there is another (more elegant) way in JS.


  • You can use Proxies to set default behaviour and then call them the way you want take a look at the example

    var handler = {
      get: function(target, name) {
        return target.hasOwnProperty(name) ? target[name] : target["default"];
    var p = new Proxy({
    	default : {
    		exists : function(){
    			return 1;
    	not : {
    		exists : function(){
    			return 2;
    }, handler);
    let negative = false;
    let x = p[negative === true ? "not" : "default"];

    Take a look at MDN docs