How might one go about expressing the following transformation in idiomatic Clojure?
(def m
{:a {:b {:c nil
:d nil}
:e nil}})
(map->edges m) ; =>
([:a :b] [:b :c] [:b :d] [:e nil] [:d nil] [:a :e] [:e nil])
I don't care about the order in which vectors appear in the result, so either depth-first or breath-first search strategies are fine.
You can express this fairly concisely using for
and tree-seq
(defn map->edges [m]
(for [entry m
[x m] (tree-seq some? val entry)
y (or (keys m) [m])]
[x y]))
(map->edges m)
;;=> ([:a :b] [:a :e] [:b :c] [:b :d] [:c nil] [:d nil] [:e nil])